Friday, December 10, 2010

Question 8

8. Watch the first part (at least) of Mouse Trapped 2010 and Mickey Mouse Monopoly, and explain USING SPECIFIC ELEMENTS FROM THE FILMS how they are good examples of the different approaches of political economy and cultural studies. Define each approach briefly, and CITE GROSSBERG’S ARTICLE IN YOUR RESPONSE. (100-150 words)

Mouse Trapped 2010 approaches political economy and cultural studies in their discussion of the state of the economy, the ridiculously low wages that their employees are paid, and the dire state of these cast members because of inadequate wages. They refer to cultural studies in their discussion of poverty; most of the Disney cast members do not make enough money to meet basic needs, living in poverty while their wealthy employer refuses to increase wages. This approach addresses Disney’s role in culture and the political economy from its direct role in the local economy as a largely negative force, responsible for the impoverishment of many of its emplyees. In Mickey Mouse monopoly, we see how Disney’s role as a creator of childhood culture, which has become a part of the ideological framework of our society. As Grossberg argues, cultural studies do not reference popular culture alone, but rather engages in a discussion concerned with consumption, class and politics through the reaction to the ideological framework. Mickey Mouse monopoly discusses Disney’s impact on society as a whole, and its control within culture through its commodities.

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